Israel news summary

Israel News for 9-11-2023

News Update

Mossad Chief David Barnea revealed that the Mossad had disrupted 27 attempted terror strikes by Iran against Israelis and Jews around the world this year. He pointed out that the embargo on missiles and components for missiles imposed by the UN will expire next month and said Iran will use it to quickly purchase whatever they need in order to produce missiles and UAVs. He also said there was growing concern among Israeli officials that Russia might supply Iran with advanced weapons.

Terrorists are continuing attempts to fire homemade rockets at Israeli communities from Jenin. For more, click here.

Prime Minister Netanyahu urged Jews not to travel to Uman, Ukraine for Rosh Hashana, because of the dangers associated with the ongoing war. He said, “It’s exceedingly dangerous. People need to realize that they are endangering themselves. Too much Jewish blood has been shed in Europe. How can we take such a risk?” The Israeli government has allotted four million shekel (around a million dollars) to provide assistance to those who decide to make the journey and to improve conditions at the site of the grave of the Hassidic master Rabbi Nachman of Breslov.

A delegation from the Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Antiquities Authority arrived in Saudi Arabia on Sunday to participate in the meeting of the World Heritage Committee of the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO).

Israel has officially submitted a request to purchase a third squadron of 25 F-35 stealth fighters from the US. The $3 billion price tag will come out of US military aid to Israel.

At the G20 summit in New Delhi, the US, India, EU and Saudi Arabia announced the promotion of a major railway and sea transport corridor between India and Europe via the Middle East. The project includes a rail link between Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. For more, click here.

Ahead of Rosh Hashana, Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority has published its annual list of Israel’s most popular names for this year’s newborns. Topping the list for Jewish boys is David and for girls, Abigail. For more, click here.