Israel news summary

Israel News for 11-16-2023

News Update

This morning 3 terrorists fired at vehicles near the tunnel road checkpoint in Jerusalem. At least six people were injured, 1 critically. Included in the injured are 2 policemen who fought the terrorists. The terrorists were from the Hebron area and affiliated with the Hamas leadership. A large amount of ammunition and axes were found in the terrorists’ vehicle, indicating that they might have been on their way to committing a large attack in Jerusalem.

IDF forces are firing artillery at terrorist positions in southern Lebanon in response to rocket launches and anti-tank fire.

Special forces continue to operate in Al Shifa hospital, moving methodically through the massive complex, searching for terrorists and entrances to tunnels. Large amounts of weapons and ammunition have been found, as well as computers, maps and documents. Photos of some of the hostages have been found on a computer. Civilians continue to be evacuated from the hospital by the IDF, which is taking extraordinary measures to avoid any civilian casualties. The IDf is also delivering medical equipment and supplies.

Cpt. Asaf Master, 22, a platoon commander in the 401st Armored Brigade’s 601st Battalion, from Bahan was killed in combat.
Cpt. Kfir Itzhak Franco, 22, a platoon commander in the 401st Armored Brigade’s 52nd Battalion, from Jerusalem was killed in combat.

The number of IDF killed in the ground war has risen to 50.

The UN Security Council passed a resolution calling for urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip, as well as the release of all hostages. There was no condemnation of Hamas. The United States, United Kingdom and Russia abstained. U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, “What are they afraid of? What is stopping them from unequivocally condemning the actions of a terrorist organization that is determined to kill Jews?”