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Israel News for 9-11-17

Supreme Court
The Supreme Court today rejected a petition to force the government to allow public transportation on Shabbat. The petition was filed by the Reform movement’s Center for Religion and State, along with the Hiddush NGO and Meretz MK Tamar Zandberg. The judges pointed out that the prohibition against public transportation on Shabbat is an explicit law and can only be circumvented by a special license requested by a company. Justice Chanan Meltzer said, “You cannot appeal in the name of a company which does not exist.”

In a related matter, Haredi political leaders have been pressuring the PM to stop Israel Railways from carrying out construction on the new Jerusalem Tel Aviv line on Shabbat and Jewish holidays.

For further reading click here.

Shabbat Soccer
The government is considering officially permitting professional soccer matches on Shabbat, in the face of opposition from the Haredi parties and from many soccer players.

While Israel’s top league rarely plays on Shabbat, its lower leagues play almost entirely on Shabbat, which makes it impossible for religious-observant athletes to complete. Israeli law forbids forcing someone to work on Shabbat.

The Supreme Court recently accepted the petition of the Movement for a Jewish and Democratic State, which claims that holding soccer matches on the Sabbath is against the “work and rest hours” law and the government must order the cessation of games on the Sabbath or to adjust the games to satisfy requirements through legislation or regulations.

In response, the government plans on invoking a legal mechanism that allows a company to obligate its employees to work on Shabbat to prevent significant economic and cultural damage.

Last week more than 310 soccer players from Israel’s top two leagues signed a petition calling on PM Netanyahu not to amend the law, and thereby force them to desecrate the Shabbat.

Health Minister Yaakov Litzman (United Torah Judaism) said yesterday that his party would not allow legislation permitted soccer on Shabbat to mover forward. Shas ministers concurred.

According to a new poll just released, the majority of Israelis believe that soccer players should not be forced to play on shabbat and that the games should be postponed to allow shabbat observant fans to attend.

For further reading click here.

No Tefillin Fine
Last Friday a Chabad emissary in Herzliya set up a table near the Chabad house and was offering men the opportunity put on tefillin. A traffic enforcement officer ordered him to remove the table and then fined him 750 shekels for bothering pedestrians. Yesterday, the mayor of Herzliya, along with a delegation of city officials, publicly apologized to Rabbi Halperin, the Chabad rabbi in town, for the incident, claiming a misunderstanding.

The mayor also wrote a letter of apology to the Lubavitcher Rebbe (deceased) asking for forgiveness.

For further reading click here.

Sonic Boom
Israeli jets apparently flew a bit further north and caused a sonic boom over the south Lebanese city of Sidon yesterday morning. The sonic boom reportedly shattered glass in building and stores. Lebanese security officials told a Hezbollah-affiliated radio station the Israeli sorties were part of a large training exercise to prepare for future war with Hezbollah. The IDF did not comment on the reports. Lebanon is planning to lodge a complaint with the UN.

For further reading click here.

Bad Boy
Yair Netanyahu, the son of the PM, posted a nasty cartoon on his Facebook page which included caricatures of opposition leaders and resembled Nazi era anti-semitic cartoons. He took the cartoon down, but not before causing a huge storm of protest. He also drew praise from unlikely source: the neo-nazi publication The Daily Stormer, which heaped praised upon him and his cartoons.

To read more about this click here.

Florida Rescue
An Israeli rescue team organized by the Israel Rescue Coalition (IRC), an umbrella group of rescue groups, arrive in Florida yesterday ahead of hurricane Irma. Moti Elmaliah, a spokesman for the IRC, said, “Our job as volunteers will be to help the community and deal with the situation as best we can in the absence of American officials, until they arrive. We will take care to organize residents’ committees to deal with the issues that arise from Hurricane Irma, which has been classified as the most powerful storm ever to hit the Atlantic Ocean.”

The IRC also recently sent teams to Houston to assist in rescue and recovery efforts there.

For further reading click here.

9-11 Memorial
Ambassador Friedman participated in a memorial service sponsored by the US Embassy in Israel to remember the victims of 9-11. The service was held at the memorial built by the JNF outside of Jerusalem. Opposition leader Isaac Herzog laid a reef and spoke representing the Israel. No government minister was present at the event.

Let us all take a moment today to remember and say a prayer for those that lost their lives in the tragic 9-11 terror attack.

To view the entire event on the embassy’s Facebook page click here.

Inspirational Performance
This inspirational performance about coexistence by Yonatan Razal and Motti Hamar is worth watching – click here.

Israel News for 9-8-17

No Policy Shift
Last week US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman gave an interview to the Jerusalem Post in which he said that the Israeli left-wing is opposing the “alleged occupation” of the West Bank. His words implied that the West Bank was not really “occupied” territory. Official US policy however does consider the West Bank to be occupied territory.

Heather Nauert, the State Department’s spokeswoman, was asked about Friedman’s choice of words on Thursday and replied: “Our position on that hasn’t changed. The comment does not represent a shift in U.S. policy.” When asked why the sitting American ambassador in Israel therefore used those words, she repeated the same answer.

For further reading click here.

Trump Optimistic
At a news conference with the Emir of Kuwait at the White House yesterday President Trump expressed optimism at reaching an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement. He said, “I think we have a chance of doing it, I think the Palestinians would like to see it happen, I think the Israelis would like to see it happen and usually when you have two groups that would like to see something happen, good things can happen. I think there is a chance that there could be peace.”

Trump will meet with both Netanyahu and Abbas on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly later this month.

For further reading click here.

Sara in Trouble
Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit announced today that he intends to indict Sara Netanyahu, the PM’s wife, over her alleged misuse of vast sums of public funds to purchase extravagant meals from restaurants and chefs.  

Mandelblit determined that between September 2010 – Match 2013, Mrs. Netanyahu, along with Deputy Prime Minister’s Office Director-General Ezra Saidoff, claimed that no cook was employed in the PM’s residence, allowing her to order meals from restaurants and chefs reaching a total cost of around NIS 359,000 ($102,000).

Following an investigation into the matter, it turned out that cooks had in fact been employed there throughout the entire period.The investigation raised suspicions that invoices for the meals were then forged in order to exceed the limit placed on food costs by splitting payments across numerous invoices.  

Mandelblit notified Mrs. Netanyahu’s attorney of his intention to indict her after which she will be called in for a preliminary hearing, before the attorney general makes a final decision to proceed.

PM Netanyahu responded on Facebook to Madelblit’s announcement by placing the blame for the fraud on on Meni Naftali, who was the residence caretaker at the time of the unusual spending. He posted, “Expenses on food and meals in takeaway trays were magically inflated during Meni Naftali’s time as chief caretaker of the residence, and no less magically plummeted when he left. They told us about the garden furniture, the electrician, the bottles, the waiters, the caretaker. Now all we’re left with is the unbelievable, false story about the trays, most of which were ordered by Meni Naftali. And that too will evaporate come the hearing.”

For further reading click here.

Terror Down
According to a monthly report published by the Shin Bet, there were 110 terror attacks in Israel in the month of August. Most of the attacks (83) consisted of the throwing of Molotov Cocktails (firebombs). This is a dramatic decrease from the July total of 222 terror attacks. The spike in July was apparently related to the crisis surrounding the Temple Mount.

To read the full report click here.

Eagle Returned
One of the few eagles still remaining in the Golan Heights Gamla Nature Reserve recently flew over the Syrian border. It was wearing a tracking device. The eagle was captured by Syrian rebel forces. Similar incidents have lead to accusations of Israeli espionage via the tracking device. But this time the rebels returned the eagle to Israel as a gesture of thanks for Israel’s humanitarian aid to the Syrian people.

The eagle was transferred to the Ramat Gan Safari’s wildlife hospital with a leg injury and is recuperating nicely.

For further reading click here.

Israel News for 9-7-17

Syria Strike
Syria has blamed Israel for an air strike against a sensitive weapons manufacturing installation near the city of Hama last night. The IDF neither denied or confirmed launching the attack. The targeted facility is part of Syria’s Scientific Studies and Research Center, which is responsible for research and development of nuclear, biological, chemical and missile technology and weapons. Iran has also allegedly been looking to use the site to supply weapons to Hezbollah.

A Syrian army statement said, “The Syrian army warns of the serious consequences of these kinds of aggressive activities against the security and stability in the region,” and blamed Israel of supporting ISIS and other terror groups.

For further reading click here.

Terrorist Stopped
The Border Police stopped a suspicious suspect at a security post near the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron yesterday. They found a knife hidden in his clothing. He was arrested and taken in for interrogation.

For further reading click here.

Investment Up
Investments in Israel by foreign companies totaled $12.6 billion in 2016, 7% more than in 2015, according to the Ministry of Economy and Industry Industrial Cooperation and Foreign Investments Authority. The figures show that 320 multinational companies operate in Israel and that almost 10% of all employees in the business sector work at multinationals. The average salary at these companies is 88% higher than the average salary in local companies and 14% higher than the average salary in local companies doing similar business.

Ziva Eger, who heads the Foreign Investment Authority, said that Chinese companies are showing interest in Israel and “For them, Israel is a bridge to Europe and new markets in which they are interested.”

For further reading click here.

Israeli Aid
Volunteer personnel from Israel have been active in assisting the rescue and recovery efforts in Houston. To read about some of them and what they are doing, click here.

Presidential Kaddish
President Reuven Rivlin dedicated a memorial to the Israeli athletes murdered in the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre. As part of his dedication he recited the Kaddish (the memorial prayer).

To view the President reciting Kaddish click here.

Music Video
Here’s an uplifting song by Mordechai Shapiro called “Machar” about how tomorrow will be a better day. The song is much cooler than the video :)

To watch the video click here.

IDF Tanks

Israel News for 9-5-17

IDF Exercise
The IDF today launched its largest military exercise in the last 20 years along its northern border with Lebanon. Thousands of troops will take part in the 11 day exercise on land, sea and in the air. Israel’s missile defense system will also be a part of the exercise.

For more details about the exercise click here.

Chief Justice
Judge Esther Hayut has been appointed the next chief justice of Israel’s Supreme Court to replace the retiring Miriam Naor. She will be sworn in at the end of October and serve for a 6 year term. The daughter of Holocaust survivors from Romania, Hayut has served on the Supreme Court since 2003.

For further reading click here.

Israeli Aid
Diaspora Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett announced that Israel plans to donate 1 million dollars in emergency aid to Houston’s Jewish community. The funds will be earmarked to help the 60,000-strong community repair and rebuild schools, synagogues and a community center damaged in the storm and floods.

He said, ”For years, the Jewish communities stood by Israel when it needed their help; now it is our turn to stand by Houston’s Jewish community.” The aid money will be submitted for government approval at an upcoming Cabinet meeting.

For further reading click here.

Munich Massacre
Today is the 45th anniversary of the Munich Massacre, in which terrorists murdered 11 Israeli athletes during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich. President Rivlin will be traveling to Munich today to unveil a new memorial to the victims of the massacre.

In remembrance of the tragic event and the innocent Israelis who lost their lives, the Israel Forever Foundation has published two posts that reflect on various aspects and lessons of the tragedy.

To read the post remembering the athletes, click here.

To read the post reflecting on the lessons we can learn, click here.

Unexpected Hotels
If you’re looking to stay in a luxury hotel in Israel but want to avoid the usual locations frequented by tourists, here’s a list of five hotels in unexpected locations you should consider. It includes luxury hotels in Hadera, Nahariya, Dimona and Yerucham.

To see the list click here.

Israel News for 9-1-17

Terror Song
Security forces arrested the singer, composer and producers of a song praising the terrorist who murdered the three members of the Salomon in a brutal terror attack earlier this summer. The song was video being performed at a Palestinian wedding earlier this week, which is how it came to the attention of the security forces. This is the first time singers and composers of Palestinian incitement songs have been arrested in the West Bank.

Security forces also carried out overnight raids in several Palestinian villages in the West Bank in which they uncovered weapons and arrested 15 terror suspects.

For further reading click here.

Ambassador Refused
Jordan is refusing to allow Israel’s Ambassador to return to the Israeli embassy in Jordan because she was photographed together with the Israeli guard who shot and killed a Jordanian outside of the embassy several weeks ago.

The incident caused an uproar in Jordan, causing the ambassador and the entire embassy staff, including the guard, to return to Israel. Sources say that if the Jordanians continue to refuse the ambassador’s return, Israel will be forced to appoint a new ambassador in order to restore relations.

Israeli police are still investigating the shooting but the assumption is that the guard shot in self defense.

For further reading click here.

PM Visits TA
Three days after the Supreme Court ruled that the State cannot detain illegal migrants for more than 60 days, PM Netanyahu visited South Tel Aviv, where the majority of illegal migrants live. The PM spoke with residents and listened to their complaints about the illegals and also presided over the opening of a new police station in the neighborhood.

Netanyahu stressed Israel’s right to deport illegal immigrants and said that the government would pass new legislation to circumvent the Supreme Court decision. He also said that the government would crack down on those who employ illegal immigrants.

For further reading click here.

Muslim Stats
Ahead of this weekend’s Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) has released several statistical figures regarding Israel’s Muslim population.

According to the report, 1.534 million Muslims resided in Israel in 2016, comprising 17.7% of the country’s population. The Muslim population’s annual growth rate has remained constant at 2.4% in the past three years. The Muslim birthrate dropped from from 4.7 children per woman in 2000 to 3.29 children today, but it’s still greater than any other population segment including Jewish. Around 35% of the Muslim population is below 14 years old (534,300), while only 3.9% is 65 and over (59,800).

Jersualem has the highest number of Muslims with 360,000, which comprise 36% of the city’s population. Three second largest concentration of Muslims is in the Negev city of Rahat (64,000).

For more statistics click here.

School Starts
The new school year began today for around 2.2 million Israeli students and 180,000 school staff. The Prime Minister and President visited schools to greet children. Of course there were a few strikes and parent complaints, but overall things seem to go smoothly.

For further reading click here.

jewish divorce israel

Israel News for 8-29-17

Court Ruling
On Monday Israel’s Supreme Court ruled that that illegal aliens (who are primarily from African countries) refusing to be transferred to a third African country cannot be detained for more than 60 days. According to the existing law, infiltrators who refuse to be deported can be held against their will indefinitely at a detention center in the Negev until they are “convinced” to be deported.

The decision was made by a panel of five judges, in response to an appeal submitted the end of 2015 to the Be’er Sheva District Court by two Eritrean citizens and six human rights organizations, including the Association for Civil Rights in Israel and a center for refugees and immigrants.

In the ruling, Naor stressed that while an infiltrator could be held for more than 60 days for refusing to cooperate with authorities, refusing deportation does not constitute such a refusal, and could not be used to keep infiltrators locked up.

She said, “Interpreting refusal of deportation as a refusal to cooperate cannot coexist with the need for a true, free-willed, voluntary and autonomous agreement (for deportation).”

Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, however, criticized the judges’ decision. “The decision not to allow the state to expel infiltrators against their will is very problematic, as it takes away from the state a very important tool and allows any infiltrator who wants to stay to remain in Israel.” He added, “We have to take care of the citizens of the State of Israel, the residents of south Tel Aviv and other cities whose lives are not worth living.”

Deri is planning to sponsor an amendment to the law that would allow the state to deport infiltrators from the country against their will.”

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked also attacked the court’s decision yesterday, stressing that the principles of Zionism and maintaining a Jewish majority in Israel must take precedents over issues relating to human rights.

Commenting on the court’s ruling Shaked said, “The question of the Jewish majority is never relevant. It’s irrelevant when the issue is African illegal aliens setting up camp in south Tel Aviv, effectively creating a city within a city while pushing out the original residents. The court’s response was striking down—and then striking down again—the law attempting to deal with this phenomenon.”

While saying that she strongly believes in the importance of safeguarding the human rights of all individuals, she made it clear that she believes that doing so must not threaten the continued stability of a Jewish majority in the land of Israel. When the two clash, the latter must always prevail.

For further reading click here.

No Strip
The Tel Aviv District Court ruled yesterday that stripping cannot be considered “entertainment,” and revoked a business license belonging to a Ramat Gan strip club.

In the ruling Justice Michal Agmon Gonen wrote, “Stripping is using a woman’s body as a tool to titillate and sexually satisfy the male viewers, and women should not be used merely as tools to achieving someone else’s objectives.”

The suit against the strip club, which is located in the Diamond Exchange complex, was filed by the Ramat Gan municipality, which claimed that the only activity a club in the region may supply its patrons is “entertainment”. A lower court initially ruled in favor of the municipality. Then the club owner turned to the appellate court which overturned the lower court’s decision. The municipality then brought the case before the District Court.

Even though most strippers do not consider their work degrading, Judge Gonen ruled that, “It can be determined that a certain activity objectifies women and injures their dignity, even if they themselves don’t consider that to be the case.”

Gonen’s ruling can lead to the closing of other strip clubs throughout the country.

The club’s owner intends to bring his case before the Supreme Court.

For further reading click here.

Hebron Autonomy
Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman yesterday granted official status to the Jewish community of Hebron, represented by the Hebron Municipal Committee. The committee will have administrative authority over all the Jewish residents of the city and all Jewish owned property. The Jewish community will no longer be reliant upon or under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority’s Hebron municipality.

It was further determined that in the case of road hazards and the like in the PA controlled section of the city, the head of the municipal committee would inform the mayor of Hebron to deal with it. Should the matter not be dealt with within a reasonable period of time, the municipal head may deal with the matter himself with the approval of the Civil Administration.

The Jewish community welcomed the decision to grant it autonomy.

For further reading click here.

Terror Families
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres met last night in Ramallah with families of Palestinian prisoners (including terrorists) being held in Israeli jails and receiving medical care while serving their sentences. According to a report in the Palestinian Wafa news agency, the family members asked Guterres “to act seriously to save the lives of more than 6,500 male and female Palestinian prisoners who are being subjected to serious harm.”

Chairman of the Palestinian Prisoners Authority, Issa Qaraqe, asked Guterres to convene a special meeting in the UN General Assembly on the matter. Guterres responded, “We understand the suffering of the Palestinian prisoners, and are working with the relevant officials in order to stop their suffering.”

Guterres also visited the grave of Yassir Arafat as part of his four day visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

For further reading click here.

Back to Egypt
Eight months ago Israel’s Ambassador to Egypt and his staff were forced to leave the country because of security threats. Yesterday the Ambassador David Gorin returned with eight staff members, where they will resume work from the ambassadors residence in suburban Cairo. The Israeli Embassy in central Cairo has been closed since protesters stormed it in 2011.

For further reading click here.

Super Mom
If you think you’ve got a busy schedule, you need to watch this video about a mother of 19. Yup, you heard right. The dad should get some credit too. They’re originally from Brooklyn and live in Safed (Tzfat).

To watch the video (Hebrew) click here.

Israel News for 8-28-17

UN Visit
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres is on a four day visit to Israel. He visited Yad Vashem today and then met with President Rivlin and told him that he would be handling relations in the Middle East impartially and that he was devoted to implementing the principles in the UN Charter.

He said, “Impartiality means treating all states equally, and I am totally committed to that in my action and in everything I can do for the organization I lead,” he continued. “I do believe that in particular when you mention those that call for the destruction of the State of Israel that that is a form of modern anti-Semitism, but you also understand that I sometimes disagree with positions with the government of Israel or any other government, and that is absolutely normal in a society where many of your citizens have exactly the same expressions of opinions.”

Guterres will also meet with PM Netanyahu, Defense Minister Lieberman and opposition leader Herzog. He will meet Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah on Tuesday in the West Bank and visit Gaza on Wednesday.

In the Yad Vashem visitors book Guterres wrote, “As UN Secretary-General, I’m committed to combating anti-Semitism and any other form of intolerance that hasn’t yet been eradicated. I wish to praise every person who works and preserves this exceptional museum.”

For further reading click here.

IDF Pardons
President Reuven Rivlin has called upon IDF soldiers with criminal records to file a special request to the President’s Residence seeking a full removal of prior convictions in a bid to optimize work prospects and facilitate greater integration into society.

Rivlin basically said that everyone deserves a second chance and that the crimes committed by youths were not indicative of how they would behave as adults, especially after serving in the IDF with distinction.

The president recently granted clemency to a number of soldiers who carried out their military responsibilities and careers with the utmost professionalism, thereby enabling them to turn a new leaf and facilitate greater integration in the workplace.

For further reading click here.

New Fighters
Israel has purchased 17 more F-35 stealth fighters from the US, bringing the total number of planes to 50, which constitutes two fighter squadrons. Delivery of the planes will be completed by late 2024. The air force has already received five of the planes in recent months, with two more scheduled for delivery in the coming days and an additional two in October.

The 17 planes now ordered are Israel’s third purchase of Stealth fighters. For the first time, the price per plane will be less than $100 million, compared with $125 million per plane in the first procurement in 2011 and $110 million in the second in 2015. A defense sources estimated that the price in the current purchase would be just over $90 million per plane.

Minister of Defense Avigdor Liberman said, “Completion of the deal for purchasing the stealth fighter constitute a significant and strategic addition of force for the air force. The two F-35 squadrons, the apex of technology, will help the IDF cope with the security challenges facing Israel.”

For further reading click here.

Conan in Israel
Comedian Conan O’Brian is in Israel and having a blast. You can follow his trip and watch his hilarious videos on his Facebook page.

To view the Facebook page click here.

Jared Kushner and Abbas

Israel News for 8-25-17

Jared’s Message
During his visit to Israel yesterday with a small US delegation, Jared Kushner told both Netanyahu and Abbas That President Trump was very committed to achieving a solution here that will be able to bring prosperity and peace to all people in this area,” and that he was “very optimistic and hopeful for a better future for all Palestinian people and Israeli people.”

Neither side seems very confident that a real solution will emerge from the peace making attempts, but they continue to hope.

For further reading click here.

Settlement Wall
The Defense Ministry has allocated NIS 5.5 million to build a wall around part of Beit El, the large Jewish settlement located next to Ramallah. The wall will protect the settlement from attacks from the adjacent Palestinian refugee camp Jalazone.

According to Beit El Spokeswoman Yael Ben-Yashar, the request to build a wall came after “Palestinians attacked the community several times over the last year, including shootings at houses and using explosive devices and Molotov cocktails, which have started fires.”

Work on the wall is scheduled to begin in a few weeks.

For further reading click here.

Terror Stats
According to statistics released by Israel’s security services (Shin Bet), there were 222 terrorist attacks against Israelis in the month of July, which is the highest number since December of 2015. The attacks resulted in the deaths of 2 soldiers and 3 civilian. Seven people were wounded. Of the attacks, 129 occurred in Judea and Samaria and 87 in Jerusalem. Most of the attacks consisted of throwing Molotov Cocktails or firebombs.

Since January of 2016 there have been 2,314 attacks in which 33 were killed and 223 wounded.

To read the Shin Bet report click here.

Peace Game
One way to move the peace process for ward and improve Israeli-Arab coexistence has come from an unlikely source — backgammon. Specifically, the Jerusalem Backgammon Championships, which came to a conclusion last night after months of play.

To read more about this click here.

Shabbat Song
I can’t think of a better way to get ready for Shabbat than by listening to the legendary Reb Shlomo Carlebach singing his version of Lecha Dodi.

Shabbat Shalom!

To listen to Lecha Dodi click here.

Israel News for 8-24-17

Tragic Details
The military court released its indictment of the terrorist who murdered the three members of the Salomon family in Halamish earlier this summer. The document recounts graphic details of the attack based on the terrorist’s own words.

According to the document the terrorist, after entering the settlement, came to two houses, one of which was dark and quiet. He chose the house that had its light on and noise coming from it. When he entered the house he first met Chaya (the daughter) and said “what about Al Aqsa” before plunging his knife into her chest. Then he stabbed Tova (the mother) in the back and she managed to escape upstairs. Meanwhile, Michal (the daughter-in-law) grabbed the children and ran upstairs where she hid them.

The terrorist then stabbed Yossi (the father) in the stomach. That’s when Elad (the son) jumped on the terrorist and began struggling with him. Elad was stabbed 3 times before he managed to get the knife out of the terrorist’s hand. Then the terrorist kicked him in the back, throwing him to his knees. He then stepped on his hand and hit him in his head with a cutting board and then stabbed him in the head with the knife that was in the cutting board. He then picked up the original knife and stabbed Elad 12 times.

The terrorist then returned to Yossi, who was still breathing, and stabbed him another 15 times. He was then shot by the neighbor, an IDF soldier.

For further reading click here.

US Peace Delegation
A US delegation comprised of Jared Kushner, Jason Greenblatt and Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy Dina Powell arrived in Israel last night. The visit’s goal, a White House source told Politico, is to “focus on the path to substantive Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, combating extremism, the situation in Gaza, including how to ease the humanitarian crisis there.”

Before coming to Israel, the Americans met with leaders from the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. They will meet with PM Netanyahu today and then head to Ramallah to meet with Abbas.

The Palestinians have criticized the US as being too pro Israel and unable to serve as an impartial broker. They have also began dropping hints that they might resume their bid for full UN membership and to file suits against Israel in the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

Btw, Dina Powell is an Egyptian born American (Christian) who is fluent in Arabic.

For further reading click here.

PM and Putin
PM Netanyahu met with Russian President Putin yesterday in the Black Sea resort town of Sochi to discuss the threat of Iran’s growing military presence in Syria.

Netanyahu said, “Iran is increasing its efforts to establish its military foothold in Syria. That is dangerous for Israel, the Middle East and, I believe, the whole world. Iran is already in advanced stages of taking over Iraq and Yemen, and in effect it also controls Lebanon.”

He added, “We do not forget for one minute that Iran continues to threaten Israel’s destruction every day; it is arming terrorist organizations and is itself instigating terrorism; and it is developing intercontinental missiles with the goal of arming them with nuclear warheads. For all these reasons, Israel continues to oppose Iran’s entrenchment in Syria. We will defend ourselves in any way against this threat and any threat.”

While Putin did not directly address the Iranian issue, he did praise what he described as an “efficient mechanism of cooperation” between Russia and Israel.

Israel has been in talks with US officials to obtain a commitment that the US will include a clause in any agreement to end the Syrian conflict that would require the withdrawal of all Iranian forces from the country. The US has not committed to the request.

Israel is concerned that Iran is about to build military, air and naval bases in Syria, which Israel has said would constitute the crossing of a red line.

For further reading click here.

Oh No
Last week Amanda Hanna won the 2017 Miss Lebanon Emigrant Beauty Pageant. But now she’s been stripped of her title because it was revealed that she visited Israel last year on her Swedish passport. Visiting Israel is illegal according to Lebanese law. Oh well.

For further reading click here.

Lost and Found
Last Wednesday the driver of the #422 bus that runs from Jerusalem to Bnei Brak found a roll of American cash held together with a rubber band. He turned it in to his dispatcher who then deposited it at the Ramat Gan police station.

The police placed a notice in the local Bnei Brak newspaper, saying that a large amount of money was left on the bus by an ultra-Orthodox passenger. Within hours, a man from Bnei Brak called the station and gave officers accurate details identifying the rubber band-bound wad of cash.

The driver of the bus was 35-year-old Ramadan Jamjoum, an Arab from the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Hanina. He said the cash “did not tempt” him as “it is my duty morally and religiously, and to my God and my work, to return the money.”

Jamjoum got no reward, just a certificate of thanks from his company.

For further reading click here.

Israel News for 8-22-17

US Kotel Report
The US State Department’s annual International Religious Freedom Report for 2016 expresses displeasure about the Israeli government’s reluctance to follow thru on the compromise agreement reached with non-Orthodox Jewish denominations to create an egalitarian prayer area at the southern area of the Western Wall (Kotel).

The report also expressed concern about the continued prohibition of women to read from the Torah at the Kotel and about “reports of Haredi men spitting at non-Haredi Jews and persons of other faiths, including those wearing Christian clerical clothing.”

Israel’s Supreme Court is scheduled to rule next week on a petition against the government’s decision to freeze the egalitarian prayer area plan. The Chief Rabbis have submitted a petition claiming that the court has no jurisdiction to rule over matters related to the Kotel and Jewish worship.

For further reading click here.

Pedophile Crackdown
Israel’s Ministry of Education has begun conducting rigorous checks into the criminal records of all school teachers and staff members ahead of the resumption of the school term, following heightened fears across the country that Israeli schoolchildren may be exposed to sexual offenders whose history has never been the subject of adequate scrutiny.

The impetus for the checks was the inditement of Shaul Shamai, a 48 year old substitute elementary school teacher in Tel Aviv, for multiple counts of indecent acts against a minor. Shamai was arrested after one of the students told her mother he had hurt her, and the mother complained to the principal.

Since the Education Ministry began examining the backgrounds of school workers, nine sexual offenders were found to be employed over the last year as substitute teachers in elementary schools throughout Israel while 31 teachers were barred from work due to suspicions found in their criminal records. The nine teachers were all fired and are no longer permitted to be employed by the Education Ministry.

Schools have been issued with new instructions by the Ministry of Education stipulating that no substitute teachers may be employed, or even allowed on school premises, without official approval of the ministry itself.

For further reading click here.

UN Blacklist
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zeid bin Ra’ad Zeid al-Hussein, has compiled and is planning to publish a blacklist of international companies doing business in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan. The purpose of the list is apparently to put pressure on the home countries of the companies to stop them from doing business with Israel.

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon called the list “an embarrassing move,” as well as “an expression of modern anti-Semitism reminiscent of dark periods in history.” He went on to accuse the UN commissioner for human rights of becoming “the BDS Movement’s most active member worldwide” who made it his goal “to harm the State of Israel instead of doing his job,” and called on the international community and the UN “to immediately stop this dangerous move.”

US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley called the list “shameful” and “an attempt to provide an international stamp of approval to the anti-Semitic BDS movement.”

For further reading click here.

Fast Train
Israel Railways yesterday conducted the first trial run of a train on the new Jerusalem – Tel Aviv line, which will connect the two cities in less than half-an-hour. The train will make one stop at Ben Gurion Airport.The new line is scheduled to begin service in April 2018.

Minister of Transport Yisrael Katz said, “This is a fast train that will take 28 minutes to travel between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and will enhance the status of Jerusalem and the ability of people to live there and set up businesses and it will completely transform the connection between Jerusalem and the rest of the country.”

For further reading click here.

Haredi Vacations
Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Israelis are spending part of their summer vacations at kosher hotels in European destinations such as the Swiss and Italian Alps. It’s a relatively new phenomenon which is is growing each year.

To watch a video report (in Hebrew) about this new Haredi vacationing trend, click here.